What are the Benefits of Environmental Education Week?

April 16, 2014 8:00 am Published by .

The National Environmental Education Week is in full swing as it runs from April 13th through the 19th. We are excited about this initiative since it takes a hands-on approach to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and ties it to the impact on the environment.

Results have shown that children who participate in the program have a better rate of social interaction, higher test scores, and experience more parental involvement than children who aren’t involved in the EE Week.

Hands-on science learning coupled with group projects that encourage positive interactions between students and educators, results in an amazing opportunity for parents and children alike. The environment is vital to our existence and our goal is to open the eyes of our future generations to the exhilarating experiences the wild offers.

To get involved visit: http://eeweek.org/

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This post was written by Rebeca

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