Celebration of National Environmental Education Week

April 14, 2014 3:00 pm Published by .

Here at Xplore BoX we are excited to spread the word about the National Environmental Education Week and how to get involved!

EE Week Promotional Badge Xplore BoX

Every year the week before Earth Day
K-12 students participate in an exciting program called Environmental Education. The program is based on science and math and takes children in to real world locations where practical application can be made. This year EE Week will be held April 13th through the 19th and the theme will be Greening STEM, Engineering a Sustainable World. In the fields of both technology and engineering it is impossible to create sustainable inventions without first understanding the environment the tools will be used in. With an emphasis on both these fields, children are exposed to science projects that can help them broaden their understanding and deepen their appreciation of the Earth.

Learning doesn’t always have to take place in a classroom, it can also be done in the outdoors where our planet thrives. Science is particularly important, as it becomes the basis of future learning. This year join the Engineering a Sustainable Planet initiative and help your children learn the importance of their environment.

To download the STEM Educator Toolkits visit: http://eeweek.org/greening-stem-educator-toolkits

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This post was written by Rebeca

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