A closer look at the September Xplore BoX

September 24, 2013 12:40 pm Published by .

Solar Energy Xplore BoX

A closer look at the solar energy Xplore BoX

1. Build a worm that is powered by solar power!  Kids put together the body, legs, motor, gears, and photovoltaic solar cell.  See the worm in action here.
2. The glasses work by separating white light into the colors of the spectrum.  Rainbows appear around all light sources!
3. Use your imagination…decorate the frame with the supplied foam stickers and display your favorite photograph.  What’s your kids vision for the future of solar energy?
4. The world is in your hands…literally!
Bonus: A solar energy book!  Learn about the past, present, and future of solar energy.  Find out how a solar cell works.


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This post was written by Rebeca

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